Global Crude Oil market forecast indicators to monitor


The objective of this article is to identify the indicators to monitor so that global crude oil market (supply, price) can be forecasted better.

Section 1 : Major factors influencing Crude oil price

1 . List the major factors influencing crude oil price
2 . List the risks to monitor in the short term
3 . List the risks to monitor in the long term

Section 2 : Predictors of crude oil price

1 . List the predictors (indicators), their influence and timing which help predict crude oil price

Section 3 : Current Crude oil price

1 . Give the current crude oil price and the date to which it relates
2 . Give the reference sources including online sources where the current crude oil price can be ascertained.

Section 4 : Forecast on Crude oil market

1 . Enumerate the latest forecast by reputed sources on the crude oil prices for the near term and long term and the critical factors to monitor the validity of the assumptions.